a new gardening season begins

It snowed earlier in the week. Barely more than an inch but it has cold enough to have stuck around, blanketing my backyard in its crisp silence.

This is the perfect scenario for a January evening of perusing the many seed catalogs that have already shown up in my mailbox – some even arriving before Christmas.

I have tall orders for 2017 – my first garden tour, perfectly timed for the way I garden and intimate enough to test the waters, so to speak.

Two springs ago, I took a part-time job working at my favorite garden store. This is a dream job that I’d often wished my serious career job would allow. Being down-sized in 2008 and becoming a Realtor made this possible.

I made friends with my fellow workers who shared a passion. It’s true what is said, “It’s not work if you are doing what you love.”

So, it is these fellow gardeners who will tour my garden in late June, once the store has closed for the year.




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