Tag Archives: photos

Jan 1 – New Year’s Blog Resolutions

I have never been a good digital camera photographer. I have gone through 3 cameras over the years as well as multiple smart phones with cameras inside and yet I have never gotten organized about taking pictures, uploading them to the computer, and organizing them well. Most years, I have taken photos to document my gardens for future planning only to do no such thing. I even lost a camera with several months worth of pictures at a museum. As a result, my blog has never been as visually stimulating as it could be. While I was blogging with Windows Live, I had a very pretty backdrop that kind of made up for this until I saw what other gardeners are up to. So, for 2011, I WILL improve my ways – stay tuned!

New Blog Appearance

My blog has migrated to WordPress so I will be learning a new layout – goal for the off-season: add photos for next season!